Nick Brandt NAILED IT
By Faith Chatham - Aug. 12, 2007
Photographer Nick Brandt earns this months MORE THAN MERE WORDS You Nailed It Award.
Brandt, a Topanga, California resident transplanted from London, began photographing wildlife in East Africa in 2000. His incredible body of work was published in Oct. 2005 with a foreword by Jane Goodall and Alice Sebold. Excerpts from Brandt's first book of photography, "On This Earth", are presented on the YOUNG GALLERY website and his website.
Nick Brandt, who studied Film and Painting at St. Martins School of Art, has exihbited in
London, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Hamburg, Santa Fe, Sydney, Melbourne and San Francisco.
What we write about the subjects of his work and the dance between photographer, the wild of Africa and the incredible animals which inhabit this earth is inconsequential. Brandt's photography is more than a mere picture of a lion or elephant. View them. They take us beyond descriptive phrases and city places and urban realities to lands and realities of East Africa.